I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great time celebrating with my family on Christmas Eve and Zach's family on Christmas day. {And, we woke up to inches of snow this morning. So pretty.} This year Eloise was really able to enjoy the festivities and it was so fun to see her open gifts and play with them. She received her little toy kitchen on Christmas Eve and has become a little obsessed. It's SO cute and makes me so happy. She takes it very seriously. So far, she bakes mostly "birday cake" (cupcakes) over and over again, saying "Birday cake, I wike birday cake." It's pretty entertaining. Other favorites included a cradle for her babies, an Elmo drum set (hilarious to see her play), and lots of other little toys and books (lots of kitchen accessories). My favorite of her gifts...the mega-sorter we bought to try to minimize the damage afterwards. Haha.
Hi, all! Yay...it's a giveaway! See the skirt above? You can win it! S habby Apple has offered to give away a free Adelaide skirt to one lucky reader! Woohoo! Shabby Apple sells lots of adorable vintage style dresses (the one below is one of my favorites!), cute maternity dresses , and even some little girls dresses! Entering will be very simple. A few notes...the skirt can only be shipped to a US address and there cannot be any exchanges. 1. To enter, you must "like" Shabby Apple on facebook ( click here ), then leave a comment below letting me know you did so. That's it. 2. If you would like extra entries, you can do the following, leaving a separate comment to let me know you did each (for instance, if you did all four, you would have four separate comments): + Tweet the giveaway + Share it on facebook + Follow or subscribe to Pink Holidaze (if you haven't already!) Shabby Apple has is also offe...
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